Qibla Compass helps all Muslims around the World to find the direction of Kaaba, situated in Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
Qibla Compass uses the GPS of your smartphone to get your exact position with latitude and longitude. It takes the difference between magnetic and true north in consideration. Given these data, Qibla Compass can find the right direction of Kaaba accurately. The direction is pointed by the arrow.
If you move frequently, Qibla Compass will be an essential part of your Islamic Tools to find direction of Kaaba easily. Note that Qibla Compass lets you to access to other tools for Muslims like the 99 Most Beautiful Names of Allah, Salah Times and a collection of Hadiths.
Don't hesitate to give me your feedbacks or ideas to improve Qibla Compass via email : sylvain.saurel@gmail.com</br>